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» Palestine Video Diary: On the Ground in Gaza
On the ground in Gaza: Thousands of Palestinians seek refuge at UNRWA schools
Shams Odeh reports for Middle East Eye in Gaza speaking to Palestinians who evacuated their homes in northern Gaza Strip after Israeli forces ordered them to do so as a prelude to bomb the area.
Interview with Mohammed Abu Khdeir's father
Hussein Abu Khdeir talks about how the killing of his son Mohammed earlier this month may spark a third intifada.
On the ground in Gaza: Batsh family decimated in Israeli air strike
As the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip continues and the bodies continue to pile up, Palestinians try to maintain a semblance of normal life while old and young mourn the losses of friends and families. Noor Harazeen reports in Gaza.
On the ground in Gaza: Injured Palestinians at Rafah Crossing
As more bombs rain down on Gaza, the Egyptian government has opened the Rafah crossing to allow injured Palestinians to cross the border and receive medical care. Noor Harazeen from from Rafah.
Sumber : http://hidayatullah-news.blogspot.com/2014/07/palestine-video-diary-on-ground-in-gaza.html
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